Photo by Thomas Bennie on Unsplash

Partial Solar Eclipse 2024

I live in South Carolina so I wasn’t in the path of totality, but I still wanted to see the eclipse. Unfortunately I forgot to get glasses, but I still wanted to see it. I was reading about when it would be happening and I learned that I could make a pinhole projector out of some boxes, tape, …

It's a curse to know how to make software

Over dramatic title, but there is some truth to it. As a software developer I know how to make things. Maybe not super well, but I can get there. I also like to pay for software that others make. The thing I run into is that I sometimes feel like I can make the thing and so I do. There are some …

Swamps are pretty awesome

There are a lot of swamp haters out there. I was one of them before I moved to South Carolina. After having been here just over a year, I can say that swamps are amazing and truly beautiful. Highly recommend you come check out a swamp.

I can't believe I live somewhere where flowers are blooming in February.

Pictured is a Common Camelia. Could be an informal double, but I’m unsure.